The next conference in this series will be held in Grenoble, France, 21-27 July 2011
HEP2011 Grenoble
The last conference in this series was held in Manchester, England, 19-25 July 2007
The Conference offers a unique opportunity for all supporting branches of particle physics to present their achievements
and products. Therefore, the conference committee plans to organize from Sunday, July 19, till Wednesday, 22 July 2009, an
accompanying exhibition of the following products:
- Industrial products from the areas: detectors, electronics, computing, cryogenic, mechanics, other instrumentation
and related industrial areas,
- Journal and books, both purely scientific and popularizing science,
- Didactic tools, toys and gadgets based on physical effects.
The stands and poster-walls will be located in the big exhibition hall on the 3rd floor of the
Auditorium Maximum, where the conference will take place. The surface of the
hall is ca. 400 m2, allowing for > 20 stands of moderate size. In case of a big demand, it will be possible to set up
additional stands in the corridors of the building. A typical price for a standard stand will amount approximately to
300-500 Polish zlotys/m2 (net, depending on specific requests and number of registered participants), for the duration of the
exhibition (which means from Sunday, July 19, till Wednesday, 22 July 2009). Each stand will be equipped with electrical
outlets (240V/ 50Hz) and the Internet.
Exhibition Room |
The deadline for the registration as an exhibitor is the end of April 2009. So, if you intend to participate, please
fill in the on-line form, specifying your needs for the stand and its equipment, as well as the number of
participating persons, or send it back by post to the conference secretariat (Mrs. Małgorzata Jasiówka, EPS HEP 2009 Conference,
The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, ul. Radzikowskiego 152, 31-342 Kraków, Poland). Based on that an invoice will be prepared and send back to those interested; the
payment needs to be done by June 10th 2009.
The on-line registration for the exhibitors has been already closed