The next conference in this series will be held in Grenoble, France, 21-27 July 2011
HEP2011 Grenoble
The last conference in this series was held in Manchester, England, 19-25 July 2007
ECFA-EPS session
A joint ECFA-EPS session will take place at the Auditorium Maximum of the Jaiellonian University, on Saturday, July 18th from 14:00 to 18:00
The programme of the EPS-ECFA Session:
Introduction (Per Osland and Karlheinz Meier) - 14:00
Christian Spiering - Astroparticle physics and relations with the LHC - 14:10
Discussion - 14:30
Rolf Heuer - The high-energy frontier - 14:50
Discussion - 15:10
Coffee break from 15:30 to 16:00
Alain Blondel - The future of accelerator based neutrino physics - 16:00
Discussion - 16:20
Tatsuya Nakada - Super-B factories - 16:40
Discussion - 17:00
Overall discussion and concluding remarks
End 18:00
It is expected to make this session very interactive with inputs from the community during the session but also during the preparation
phase of the talks. Opinions, comments and questions can be expressed at any time before the conference
by addressing them to the following dedicated e-Mail address
The e-Mails will be collected by ECFA, made available to the speakers and injected into the discussion following the presentations. It is
expected that this process will provide important inputs for the update of the European Strategy in Particle Physics.
All conference attendees are invited to participate in this session.